Social responsability

History of the Socioeducational Program Concrem Group

The Grupo Concrem Socio-educational Program has been in existence for over 22 years, starting its activities with the Emanuel Music Project (which means God with us) on June 5, 1999. Thousands of children have already benefited from activities involving various areas of knowledge and training, such as: music classes, inclusion of computers, sports practices, among others. Today the project is in the improvement phase, completing a major renovation of its entire structure and preparing an excellent space to receive the children of the employees of the Concrem Group and the local community.

Through the projects developed by our Program, we want to form solidary citizens with moral and religious ethical principles, motivated by Artistic Culture (music and dance), Sports (futsal), Environmental Education (lectures, playful presentations and planting practices), Education for life and the home (lectures, workshops and spiritual counseling) Computers (Windows, internet, Word, Excel and PowerPoint) in the community, to interact in a context of social responsibility, in this post-modern world we currently live in.

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